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Related entries include:

.mailrc; .newsrc; address book; alt.sources; Andrew Message System; annoybot; Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation; barfmail; Blind Carbon Copy; btoa; Cancelmoose; Cancelpoodle; channel op; chat; Computer Mediated Communication; discussion group; dup loop; electronic magazine; electronic mail; electronic mail address; electronic meeting; elm; EMBLA Pro; emoticon; ESMTP; ETRN; FidoNet; Fidonews; Fight-o-net; flame; flame bait; flame on; flame war; forum; forward; g file; Hotline Connect; Hotmail; Imminent Death Of The Net Predicted!; inews; Internet Message Access Protocol; Internet Relay Chat; ircop; Java Message Service; Keyboard Commando; Keyed-Hashing Message Authentication; letterbomb; line eater; Listserv; Local Mail Transfer Protocol; lurking; mail; mail bomb; mail bridge; mail exchanger; Mail Exchange Record; mail exploder; mail filter; mail gateway; mailing list; mail merge; mail user agent; Mail Users' Shell; Majordomo; MCI Mail; Message Digest 5; Message Handling System; Message Transfer Agent; Messaging Application Programming Interface; Microsoft Exchange; Microsoft Mail; Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility; Multimedia Messaging Services; net.-; newsfroup; newsgroup; news reader; nn; NNTP; NSA line eater; parent message; POP3; post; Post Office Protocol; primary management domain; Professional Office System; pull media; push media; RFC 1081; RFC 1321; RFC 1341; RFC 1521; RFC 1568; RFC 1730; RFC 1756; RFC 2045; RFC 2046; RFC 2047; RFC 2048; RFC 2049; RFC 2060; RFC 2061; RFC 821; RFC 822; Riordan's Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail; RMAIL; Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions; sendmail; sendmail.cf; Short Message Service; sig quote; Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; snail mail; source route; spelling flame; spim; store and forward; subscribe; talk; Thunderbird; topic drift; topic thread; TSIA; TURN; Twitter; Unique ID Listing; Unix to Unix Copy; Usenet; voice mail; web mail; Windows Messaging; windows messaging; wormhole routing; X.400; X.409;

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