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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | inews

<messaging, application> A Unix program for posting Usenet news articles, written by Rich $alz <rsalz@uunet.uu.net> for InterNetNews. inews reads an article (perhaps with headers) from a file or standard, adds some headers and possibly a signature, and, if the article passes some consistency checks (too much quoting, non-existent newsgroup) then inews sends the article to the local news server for distribution.

If an unapproved posting is made to a moderated newsgroup, inews will try to send the article to the moderator (specified in a configuration file) by electronic mail.

Version: 1.25, dated 1993/03/18.

Unix manual page: inews(1).


Nearby terms: Industrial Robot Language « Industry Standard Architecture « inetd « inews » infant mortality » infeasible path » inference

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