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Entries starting with: 'K'

K; K5; K56flex; K6; K7; KA9Q; KADS; kahuna; Kaleidoscope; Kali; kamikaze packet; Kamin's interpreters; kana; kangaroo code; kanji; KAOS; KAP; Karel; katakana; Katmai New Instructions; KB; KBMS; kbps; KBS; KC-85/1; KC85/2; KC85/3; KC85/4; KCL; ke; KEE; keep-alive; Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics; ken; Kent Applicative Operating System; Ken Thompson; Kent Recursive Calculator; Kerberos; Kermit; kern; kernal; kernel; Kernel Parlog; kernel style; Kernel User Interface Package; kerning; Kevo; key; keyboard; Keyboard Commando; keyboard plaque; Keyboard Send Receive; Keyboard Video Mouse; Keyed-Hashing Message Authentication; Keyed Sequenced Data Set; key escrow; key field; key frame; KeyNote Software; keypad; keypal; KeySpell; keyword; keyword in context; KFX; kg; kgbvax; kh; Khornerstone; Khwarizmi; ki; kibibyte; KIBO; kiboze; kick; kicking dead whales down the beach; Kid; KIDASA Software; killer micro; killer poke; kill file; kilo-; kilobaud; kilobit; kilobits per second; kilobyte; kiloflops; kiosk; KIPS; KIS; KISS; KISS Principle; kit; KL0; KL1; Klamath; KLB; Kleene closure; Kleene star; Kleene, Stephen Cole; Klerer-May System; KLOC; klone; KL-ONE; kludge; kluge; kluge around; km; KMODEL; KMS; kn; knapsack problem; KNI; Knights of the Lambda-Calculus; knowbot; Knowbot Information Service; knowledge; Knowledge Analysis and Design System; knowledge base; knowledge-based system; knowledge level; Knowledge Management System; Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language; knowledge representation; Knowledge Sharing Effort; Knowledge Systems Laboratory; Known Lazy Bastard; Knuth; Kodak; Kohonen; KOMPILER; Konrad Zuse; Korf, Richard; Korn Shell; kp; KQML; KR; kr; K&R; KRC; K&R C; kremvax; KRL; KRS; K&R style; KRYPTON; ksh; KSL; KSR; KTH; kthx; KUIP; Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan; KUTGW; Kvatro Telecom AS; Kvikkalkul; KVM; kw; KWIC; ky; Kyoto Common Lisp; kyrka; kz;

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©2018 Martin Webb