Entries starting with: 'H'
h; H.261; H.264; H.323; Habitat; hack; hackathon; hack attack; hacked off; hacked up; hacker; hacker ethic; hacker humour; hacking run; Hacking X for Y; Hackintosh; hackish; hackishness; hackitude; hack mode; hack on; hack together; hack up; hack value; ha ha only serious; hair; hairy; hairy ball; HAKMEM; hakspek; HAL; half-duplex; halftone; HALGOL; HALMAT; Hal/S; Halt and Catch Fire; halting problem; Hamilton; Hamiltonian cycle; Hamiltonian path; Hamiltonian problem; Hamiltonian tour; Hamilton's problem; hammer; Hamming code; Hamming distance; Hamming, Richard; hamster; Han character; HAND; hand cruft; Handel; hand hack; Hand-held Personal Computer; handle; handoff; handover; hand-roll; handshake; handshaking; handwave; hang; hanja; Hanoi; Han Unification; hanzi; happily; Happy; haptic interface; haptics; haque; hard boot; hard-coded; hardcopy; hard crash; hard disk; hard disk drive; hard drive; hard link; hard linking; hard sector; hardware; Hardware Abstraction Layer; hardware circular buffer; Hardware Description Language; hardware handshaking; hardware register; hardwarily; hard-wired; Harris Semiconductor Ltd.; Harvard architecture; Harvard Graphics; Harvard Mark II Machine; Harvest; Harvest C; hash; hash bucket; hash character; hash coding; hash collision; hash function; hashing; hash table; Haskell; Haskell B; Haskell Curry; Haskell User's Gofer System; HASL; HASP; has the X nature; hat; hate-driven development; Hayes; Hayes-compatible; Haze; HBOOK; hc; HC-900; HCF; HCI; HCLP; HCPRVR; HCS; HD; HD6309; HDA; HDC; HDD; HDF; HDFL; HDL; HDLC; HDM; HDMI; HDSL; HDTV; hdx; Head Disk Assembly; header; Head Normal Form; head normalisation theorem; heads down; head-strict; heap; heartbeat; heatseeker; heat sink; heat slug; heavy metal; heavyweight; heavy wizardry; Hebbian learning; heisenbug; Helen Keller mode; Helix; hello; hello packet; hello, sailor!; hello, world; HELP; Helvetica; henry; HENSA; HEP; HEPDB; HEPiX; HEPnet; HEPVM; HEQS; HERA; HERAKLIT; here document; Herman Hollerith; Hermes; Hesiod; heterogeneous; heterogeneous network; heterogenous; heuristic; heuristics testing; Hewlett-Packard; Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language; Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus; Hewlett Packard Multi Processing Executive; Hewlett Packard Precision Architecture; Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment; hex; hexadecimal; hexidecimal; hexit; HFC; HHCP; HHOJ; HHOK; HHOS; hi; HIBOL; HID; hidden flag; hierarchical database; Hierarchical Data Format; Hierarchical Design Methodology; hierarchical file system; Hierarchical Music Specification Language; hierarchical navigation; Hierarchical Object Oriented Design; hierarchical routing; hierarchy; Higgs Bugson; high bit; High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line; high colour; High-Definition Multimedia Interface; high density; Higher Education National Software Archive; higher-order function; higher-order macro; High-level Data Link Control; high-level language; high memory area; high moby; High Performance Computing and Communications; High Performance File System; High Performance Fortran; High Performance Parallel Interface; High Performance Routing; High Performance Serial Bus; High Speed Circuit Switched Data; High Speed Connect; High-speed Net Connect; high speed serial interface; High Voltage Differential; HIGZ; hill climbing; HiLog; HIMEM; Hindenbug; hing; HINT; HiPAC; HIPPI; hiragana; hirsute; HISTORIAN; history; hit; Hitachi 6309; Hitachi HD64180; HITL; hit rate; hk; HL7; HLISP; HLL; HLLAPI; hlp; hm; HMA; HMAC; hmake; HMP; HMSL; HMTL; hn; HNC; HO; Hoare powerdomain; Hobbit; hobbit; hog; HOL; HOL-88; HOL-90; hole; hole model; Hollerithabetical order; Hollerith, Herman; Hollywired; HOL-UNITY; holy wars; home; home box; home keys; home machine; home page; Home Phoneline Networking Alliance; HomePNA; home row keys; homogeneous; homogenous; homomorphism; Honeywell; Honeywell-800 Business Compiler; HOOD; HOOK; hook; hop; Hope; Hope+; Hope+C; Hopfield model; Hopfield network; horizontal application; horizontal encoding; horizontal loop combination; horizontal microcode; horizontal scan rate; horizontal tabulation; Horn clause; hose; hosed; HOS-STPL; host; host adaptor; Host Command Facility; Host Control Interface; host-host layer; hosting; hostname; host number; hosts file; Hot Fix; HotJava; Hotline; Hotline Communications Ltd.; Hotline Connect; hotlink; hotlist; Hotmail; hot spot; Hot Standby Routing Protocol; Hot Swapable Routing Protocol; Hot Swappable Routing Protocol; hot swapping; HOTT; house wizard; Houston Automatic Spooling Program; Howe, Denis; how many nibbles are in a byte; how many nibbles in a byte; HP; hp2ps; H/PC; HPCC; HPcode; HPCode-Plus; HPF; HPFS; HP-GL; HP-GL/2; HP-IB; HPL; HPLOT; HP-MPE; HP-PA; HPPI; HPR; HP-SUX; HP-UX; HP VEE; hqx; hr; href; hs; HSB; HSC; HSCSD; HSL-FX; HSM; HSRP; HSSI; HSV; HT; ht; HTH; HTLM; HTML; HTML+; htmlcommentbox.com; HTTL; HTTP; HTTP/1.0; HTTP cookie; HTTPd; HTTP proxy server; HTTPS; HTTP server; hu; hub; Hubnet; hubs; hue; hue, saturation, brightness; hue, saturation, value; huff; Huffman; Huffman code; Huffman coding; Huffman encoding; Hugh Loebner; HUGO; HUGS; Human-Computer Interaction; Human-Computer Interface; Human Interface Device; Human Interface Technology Laboratory; humanist technology; humma; humor; humour; hung; Hungarian Notation; Hungry Programmers; hungry puppy; Hungry ViewKit; hungus; Hunt the Wumpus; Hurd; HVD; Hybrid; Hybrid Fiber Coax; hybrid multiprocessing; hybrid testing; hydra code; hydrofluorocarbon; HyperBase; Hyper-C; HyperCard; hypercube; Hyperion; hyperlink; Hyper-Man; hypermedia; HyperNeWS; Hyperscript; hyperspace; HyperSPARC; Hyperstrict; HyperTalk; hypertext; hypertext link; Hypertext Markup Language; Hypertext Transfer Protocol; HyperText Transmission Protocol, Secure; hyperware; hypotenuse; hysterical reasons; Hytelnet; HyTime;
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