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Related entries include:

$1; 16 bit; ??; \BV; aard; abort; abstract class; abstract data type; acceptance testing; ACID; Actis; active object; active record pattern; Active Server Pages; ActiveX; ActiveX Data Objects; actual argument; Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface; Advanced Software Environment; Aegis; aggregate type; aggregation; AGL; Ajax; algebraic data type; algorithm; Algorithmic Model; Algorithmic Test Case Generation; allow-none; alpha testing; alt.sources; Analogy Model; apple-touch-icon; apple-touch-icon-precomposed; Application Binary Interface; Application Control Architecture; application development; application enablement services; Application environment specification; application lifecycle management; Application Portability Architecture; application program; Application Program Interface; applicative order reduction; Architecture Neutral Distribution Format; arena; argument; arity; Artifex; as31; ASCIIbetical order; ASPECT; aspect; aspect-oriented programming; assembler; assertion; assignment; associative array; associativity; Autopass; back-end; baklava code; banana problem; barnacle code; Basic Object System; batch processing; beta testing; bignum; Binary Compatibility Standard; Bird-Meertens Formalism; bit mask; bit string; bitwise; B-Method; Bohr bug; BOLERO; Booch method; Boolean; bottom-up implementation; bottom-up model; bottom-up testing; boundary value analysis; boxed comments; branch coverage testing; breakpoint; break statement; Brooks's Law; brown paper bag bug; brute force; BSP method; B-Toolkit; buffer overflow; bug; bug fix; bug fix release; BUGSYS; bug tracking system; Bugzilla; build; Business Application Programming Interface; busy-wait; byte-code compiler; call-by-reference; callee; calling convention; call-with-current-continuation; CamelCase; can't happen; cargo cult programming; case and paste; Case Integration Services; cause-effect graphing; cextract; changeover; char; chase pointers; checkpoint; chunker; circular buffer; class hierarchy; class library; class method; class object; Class-Relation Method; cleanroom; client; client-server; CLiP; CMS; CMZ; Coad/Yourdon; CodeCenter; code walk; codewalker; COHESION; COME FROM; comment; comment out; Common Object Request Broker Architecture; Common Program Interface; Common User Access; compiler; compile time; complete unification; component; component architecture; component based development; Component Object Model; Computer Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided Software Testing; concatenate; ConCoord; concrete class; Concurrent Versions System; condition out; configuration programming; cons; cons cell; conservative evaluation; considered harmful; constraint; constraint functional programming; Constraint Logic Programming; CONSTRAINTS; Constructive Cost Model; constructor; container class; Contents of Address part of Register; Contents of Decrement part of Register; continuation passing style; contract programmer; control flow; control structure; cookbook; copybook; core dump; Cost Driver Attribute; count; coupling; C preprocessor; C Programmer's Disease; cproto; cross-compiler; CRUD; curried function; cut-and-waste code; Cyclo; cyclomatic complexity; dancing frog; dangling pointer; data flow analysis; Data Flow Diagram; data structure; dbx; dead code; deadlock; Debbugs; debugger; debugging; debugging an empty file; debugging by printf; dec; defect analysis; defect density; deforestation; Delivered Source Instruction; Delphi Technique; Deployment Descriptor; dereference; derived type; Design In Real Time; design pattern; desk check; destructor; Developmental Test and Evaluation; development environment; DIM statement; DirectX; dis; distfix; Distributed Component Object Model; documentation; Domain Software Engineering Environment; dotted pair; doubly linked list; dry run; duck typing; DUEL; dyadic; dynamic analysis; Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System; Dynamic Systems Development Method; dynamic typing; eating one's own dogfood; Effort Adjustment Factor; Egyptian brackets; eighty-twenty rule; Embedded Mode; Enterprise JavaBeans; enumerated type; environment variable; eraser stains code; error-based testing; essential complexity; EVALUATE; evaluation; event-driven; Excalibur bug; execution; exhaustive testing; Expert Judgement Models; explicit type conversion; exponent; expression; extend; extensible; fact; failure-directed testing; fall through; fandango on core; fatal; fatal error; fatal exception; fault tree analysis; file descriptor; file descriptor leak; fill-out form; finger-pointing syndrome; first class module; fixed-point; FIXME; Flash Lights Impressively; flat thunk; float; floater; floating-point; Floppy; flow chart; fold function; fork bomb; for loop; formal argument; FP/M; Fudgets; functionality; functional programming; functional specification; function complete; function inlining; Function Point Analysis; fusion; garbage collection; GCC; GCT; GDB; genericity; generic programming; Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface; generic thunk; generic type variable; genetic programming; Gensym Standard Interface; ghetto code; glob; GNU Problem Report Management System; GNU style; goal; GObject Introspection; gotcha; goto; guard; hacked up; hard crash; hardware circular buffer; hash coding; hash collision; hash function; hate-driven development; hello, world; Hierarchical Design Methodology; Hierarchical Object Oriented Design; hmake; hook; hydra code; implicit type conversion; indentation; indent style; indirection; indirect jump; infinite loop; inheritance; initialise; inline; inout; input/output; instance; instance variable; instantiation; instruction mnemonic; instrument; integration; interactive; interactive development environment; International Function Point Users Group; internationalisation; Internet Foundation Classes; interpreter; Inter-process Communication; interrupt; Intersil 6100; introspection; introspection annotation; invariant; inverse comment convention; ISTAR; iteration; iterator; Jackson method; japh; Java; Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition; Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition; Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition; Java 2 Software Development Kit; JavaBeans; Java Database Connectivity; Java Message Service; Java Native Interface; JavaScript Object Notation; JavaServer Faces; JavaServer Pages; Jenga Code; jump; KLOC; K&R style; ladder logic; last call optimisation; lcc; lclint; leak; let floating; lexical analysis; lexical scope; library; lines of code; linked list; linker; Liskov substitution principle; listless; literal; literate programming; load-bearing printf; locale; localisation; local variable; logical shift; logic bomb; logic programming; logic variable; loop; lvalue; LWP; machine instruction; Mach Interface Generator; magic number; main; main loop; maintenance; major delivery; major release; Make; mandelbug; memo function; memory dump; memory leak; metaclass; method; method invocation; microcode; Microsoft Certified Application Developer; Microsoft Certified Solution Developer; Microsoft Foundation Classes; mnemonic; Model-View-Controller; Model-View-Presenter; modifier; Mongolian Hordes technique; Mono; monty; Multiple Document Interface; multiple inheritance; multiple perspective software development; mutant; MV*; mz; native compiler; neighborhood bike code; niladic; NOWEB; NTMBS; null; nullary; null-terminated multibyte string; obfuscated; Obfuscated C Contest; obi-wan error; ObjectBroker; Object-code Buffer Overrun Evaluator; Objecteering; objectfuscated code; object identifier; object method; Object Modelling Technique; object-oriented analysis; object-oriented design; object-oriented polymorphism; object-oriented programming; Objectory; Object Persistence Framework; object relational mapping; Object Request Broker; Object Role Modeling; occlude; occurs check; off-by-one error; offset; OLE custom controls; OLE DB; one-liner wars; open/closed principle; OpenInsight; operand; operational requirements; operation code; operator; optimising compiler; Organic Mode; out; overflow; overriding; paranoid programming; PCA; PERFORM; PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor; PI; Plumber; Pokémon exception handling; polylithism; polymorphism; pop; portability; Portable Tool Interface; POSIX Threads; pragma; preprocessor; primitive; priority queue; Procrustean string; product; production system; Program Evaluation and Review Technique; Program Temporary Fix; Prolog; pseudocode; pseudorandom number; Push Down List; queue; quick-and-dirty; quine; RACE; RAD; random testing; Rapid Application Development; rapid prototyping; read-eval-print loop; Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling; real-time structured analysis; record; recursion; re-entrant; refactoring; reference counting; referential transparency; refuctoring; refutable; register spilling; regression testing; release; REM; Remote Method Invocation; Remote Procedure Call; REP; repeat loop; request for proposal; requirements; Requirements Acquisition and Controlled Evolution; Requirements Engineering; ResEdit; return from interrupt; revision; RFC 1014; RM-ODP; run-time error; run-time library; run-time system; sanity check; sausage code; SAVE; save; save as; scar tissue code; Scheme; schrödinbug; scope; selector; semaphore; Semidetached Mode; separate compilation; serialise; service; ShapeTools; shell script; shell variable; simultaneous shipment; single assignment; Single Document Interface; single inheritance; singleton variable; SLD resolution; software; Software BackPlane; software enabling; software engineering; software life-cycle; Software Methodology; software metric; software rot; Software through Pictures; software tool; SOLID; source code; source-level debugger; spaghetti code; spaghetti inheritance; spaghetti with meatballs code; Speech Application Programming Interface; Speech Recognition Application Program Interface; spin; spiral model; splash screen; SQLWindows; stack; stack overflow; stack pointer; stack traceback; stale pointer bug; standard input/output; Standard Widget Toolkit; statement; static; static; static analysis; static method; static nested scope; static typing; static variable; stdio.h; string; stringly typed; strong typing; struct; structured design; structure diagram; structured programming; subject; subject-oriented programming; subroutine; subtype; Swing; SWI-Prolog; Swiss Army Code; switch statement; synthesis; system call; Systems Analysis Definition; Systems Application Architecture; Systems Development Life Cycle; tagged types; tail recursion; tail recursion modulo cons; tail recursion optimisation; Telephone Application Program Interface; Telephony Application Programming Interface; template code; ternary; test-driven development; The Dojo Toolkit; There's More Than One Way To Do It; The story of Mel, a Real Programmer; threaded code; thread-safe; thunk; tight loop; time shifting; Tk; top-down design; Top-Down Model; Tornado; toto; toy program; transfer of control; Transport Layer Interface; tuple; Turbo Debugger; type; type inference; uid; UIS; uncurrying; undefined; underflow; Unicorny; unification; universal thunk; untyped; usability; Use the Source Luke; variable; version; Vienna Development Method; Vienna Development Method Specification Language; ViewPoints; virtual 86 mode; Virtual Software Factory; visit; Visual Basic for Applications; Visual Component Library; volatile variable; Wafe; walk; walk off the end of; Watcom VX*REXX; Waterfall Model; weak typing; Web Services; Web Services Business Process Execution Language; while loop; white box testing; Whitesmiths style; wild card; Win32; winged comments; workaround; wrapper; xdbx; X-Designer; xmlrpc.php; Year 2000; Yoda condition; You aren't gonna need it; Yourdon/Constantine; Yourdon/Demarco; Yourdon methodology; zero assignment; ZF expression;

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