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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | Haskell

<language> (Named after the logician Haskell Curry) A lazy purely functional language largely derived from Miranda but with several extensions. Haskell was designed by a committee from the functional programming community in April 1990. It features static polymorphic typing, higher-order functions, user-defined algebraic data types, and pattern-matching list comprehensions. Innovations include a class system, systematic operator overloading, a functional I/O system, functional arrays, and separate compilation.

Haskell 1.3 added many new features, including monadic I/O, standard libraries, constructor classes, labeled fields in datatypes, strictness annotations, an improved module system, and many changes to the Prelude.

Gofer is a cut-down version of Haskell with some extra features.

Filename extension: .hs, .lhs (literate programming).


["Report on the Programming Language Haskell Version 1.1", Paul Hudak & P. Wadler eds, CS Depts, U Glasgow and Yale U., Aug 1991].

[Version 1.2: SIGPLAN Notices 27(5), Apr 1992].

Haskell 1.3 Report (http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/haskell-report/haskell-report.html).

Mailing list: <haskell-request@cs.yale.edu>.

Yale Haskell - Version 2.0.6, Haskell 1.2 built on Common Lisp.


Glasgow Haskell (GHC) - Version 2.04 for DEC Alpha/OSF2; HPPA1.1/HPUX9,10; SPARC/SunOs 4, Solaris 2; MIPS/Irix 5,6; Intel 80386/Linux,Solaris 2,FreeBSD,CygWin 32; PowerPC/AIX. GHC generates C or native code.


E-mail: <glasgow-haskell-request@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk>.

Haskell-B - Haskell 1.2 implemented in LML, generates native code.


E-mail: <hbc@cs.chalmers.se>.


Nearby terms: hash function « hashing « hash table « Haskell » Haskell B » Haskell Curry » Haskell User's Gofer System

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