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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | TK-90X

<computer> A Brazilian clone, manufactured by Micro Digital, of the British Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum 8-bit microcomputer. It differed from the standard Spectrum by adding an Interface 2-compatible joystick interface, and extra BASIC commands to aid programming and graphics-editing. Because of these differences, it was slightly incompatible with the standard Spectrum.

A later model, the TK-95, which boasted an improved keyboard (similar to the Commodore 64's) and a more compatible ROM, was little more than a Timex TC2048 (another Spectrum clone) in disguise.

comp.sys.sinclair FAQ (http://kendalls.demon.co.uk/cssfaq/).

["comp.sys.sinclair FAQ", D Burke M Fayzullin P Kendall et al, pub. Philip Kendall 1998]


Nearby terms: tj « Tk « tk « TK-90X » TK-95 » T. Kohonen » TK!Solver

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