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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | clone

<jargon> 1. An exact copy of a product, made legally or illegally, from documentation or by reverse engineering, and usually cheaper.

E.g. "PC clone": a PC-BUS/ISA, EISA, VESA, or PCI compatible x86-based microcomputer (this use is sometimes misspelled "klone" or "PClone"). These invariably have much more bang per buck than the IB PCM they resemble.

E.g. "Unix clone": An operating system designed to deliver a Unix-like environment without Unix licence fees or with additional "mission-critical" features such as support for real-time programming.

2. <chat> A clonebot.

[Jargon File]


Nearby terms: clock frequency « clock rate « clock speed « clone » clone-and-hack coding » clonebot » CLOS

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