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<tool> Peripheral Interchange Program.

A program on CP/M, RSX-11, RSTS/E, TOPS-10, and OS/8 (derived from a utility on the PDP-6) that was used for file copying (and in OS/8 and RT-11 for just about every other file operation you might want to do). It is said that when the program was written, during the development of the PDP-6 in 1963, it was called ATLATL ("Anything, Lord, to Anything, Lord"; this played on the Nahuatl word "atlatl" for a spear-thrower, with connotations of utility and primitivity that were no doubt quite intentional).

See also BLT, dd, cat.

[Jargon File]


Nearby terms: Pink-Shirt Book « pin-out « PIO mode « PIP » pipe » pipeline » pipeline break

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