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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | BLT

1. /B-L-T/, /bl*t/ or (rarely) /belt/ Synonym for blit. This is the original form of blit and the ancestor of bitblt. It refers to any large bit-field copy or move operation (one resource-intensive memory-shuffling operation done on pre-paged versions of ITS, WAITS and TOPS-10 was sardonically referred to as "The Big BLT"). The jargon usage has outlasted the PDP-10 BLock Transfer instruction from which BLT derives; nowadays, the assembly language mnemonic BLT almost always means "Branch if Less Than zero".

2. bacon, lettuce and tomato (sandwich).

[Jargon File]

Nearby terms: blow past « blow up « BLOX « BLT » Blue » Blue Book » Blue Box

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