Chapter 6: Beginning JavaScript - Summary
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Published on: Sunday 29th April 2001 By: Paul Wilton
In this chapter we looked at how to add a user interface onto our
JavaScript so that we can interact with our user and acquire
information from them. Let's look at some of the things discussed in
this chapter.
The HTML form is where we place elements making up the interface in a
Each HTML form groups together a set of HTML elements. When a form is
submitted to a server for processing, all the data in that form is
sent to the server. We can have multiple forms on a page, but only the
information in one form can be sent to the server.
A form is created using the opening tag <FORM> and ended with a
close tag </FORM>. All the elements we want included in that
form are placed in between the open and close <FORM> tags. The
<FORM> tag has various attributes - for client-side scripting
the NAME attribute is the important one. We can access forms with
either their NAME attribute or ID attribute.
Each <FORM> element creates a Form object, which is contained
within the document object. To access a form named myForm we write
document.myForm. The document object also has a forms[] property which
is an array containing every form inside the document. The first form
in the page is document.forms[0], the second is document.forms[1], and
so on. Using the length property of an Array object,
document.forms.length tells us how many forms there are on the page.
Having discussed forms, we then went on to look at the different types
of HTML elements available that can be placed inside forms, how to
create them, and how they are used in JavaScript.
The objects associated with the form elements have a number of
properties, methods, and events that are common to them all. They all
have the name property, which we can use to reference them in our
JavaScript. They also all have the form property that provides a
reference to the Form object that element is contained inside. The
type property returns a text string telling us what type of element
this is; types include text, button, and radio.
We also saw that the methods focus() and blur(), and the events
onfocus and onblur, are available to every form element object. Such
an element is said to receive the focus when it becomes the active
element in the form, either because the user has selected that element
or because we used the focus() method. However an element got the
focus, its onfocus event will fire. When another element is set as the
currently active element the previous element is said to lose its
focus, or to blur. Again loss of focus can be the result of the user
selecting another element or the use of the blur() method; either way
when it happens the onblur event fires. We saw that onfocus and onblur
can, if used carefully, be a good place to check things like the
validity of data entered by a user into an element.
All elements return a value, which is the string data assigned to that
element. The meaning of the value depends on the element; for a text
box it is the value inside the text box and for a button it's the text
displayed on its face.
Having discussed the common features of elements we then looked at
each of the more commonly used elements in turn, starting with the
button element.
The button element's purpose in life is to be clicked by the user,
where that clicking fires some script we have written. We can capture
the clicking by connecting to the button's onclick event. A button is
created using the <INPUT> tag with the TYPE attribute set to
button. The VALUE attribute determines what text appears on the
button's face. Two variations on a button are the submit and reset
buttons. As well as acting as buttons, they also provide a special
service not linked to code. The submit button will automatically
submit the form to the server. The reset button clears the form back
to its default state when loaded in the page.
The text element allows the user to enter a single line of plain
text. A text box is created using the <INPUT> tag, with the TYPE
attribute set to text. We can set how many characters the user can
enter and how wide the text box is with the MAXLENGTH and SIZE
attributes of the <INPUT> tag. The text box has the associated
object called Text, which has the additional events onselect and
onchange. The onselect event fires when the user selects text in the
box, and the more useful onchange event fires when the element loses
focus and its contents have changed since the element gained the
focus. The onchange event is a good place to do validation of what the
user has just entered. If they entered illegal values, such as letters
when we wanted numbers, then we can let the user know and send them
back to correct their mistake. A variation on the text box is the
password box, which is almost identical to the textbox except the
values typed into it are hidden and shown as an asterisk. Additionally
the text box also has the onkeydown, onkeypress, and onkeyup events
The next element we looked at was the textarea, which is similar to
the text box except it allows multiple lines of text to be
entered. This element is created with the open tag <TEXTAREA>
and closed with the </TEXTAREA> tag, the width and height in
characters of the text box being determined by the COLS and ROWS
attributes. Whether the textarea wraps text that reaches the end of a
line and whether that wrapping is sent when the contents are posted to
the server is determined by the WRAP attribute. If left off, or set to
off, then no wrapping occurs; if set to soft it causes wrapping
client-side, but it's not sent to the server when the form is sent; if
set to hard it causes wrapping client-side and for that to be sent to
the server. The associated Textarea object has virtually the same
properties, methods and events as a Text object.
We then looked at the checkbox and radio button elements
together. Essentially they are the same type of element except that
the radio button is a grouped element. By this I mean that only one in
a group can be checked at once. Checking another one causes the
previously checked button to be unchecked. Both elements are created
with the <INPUT> tag, the TYPE attribute being checkbox or
radio. If CHECKED is put inside the <INPUT> tag, then that
element will be checked when the page is loaded. Creating radio
buttons with the same name creates a radio button group. The name of a
radio button actually refers to an array, each element within which is
a radio button defined on the form to be within that group. These
elements have associated objects called Checkbox and Radio. Using the
checked property of these objects, we can find out whether a checkbox
or radio button is currently checked. Both objects also have the
onclick event in addition to the common events, onfocus and onblur.
Next in our look at elements were the drop-down list and list boxes,
both in fact actually the select element. The <SELECT> tag
creates these elements, the SIZE attribute determining how many list
items are visible at once. If a SIZE of 1 is given, then a drop-down
box rather than list box is created. Each item in a select element is
defined by the <OPTION> tag, or added to later using the Select
object's options[] array property, which is an array containing each
Option object for that element. However, adding options after the page
is loaded is different for Netscape and Microsoft browsers. The Select
object's selectedIndex property tells us which option is selected; we
can then use that value to access that option in the options[] array
and use the Option object's value property. The Option object also has
the text and index properties, text being the displayed text in the
list and the index being its position in the Select object's options[]
array property. We can loop through the options[] array, finding out
its length from the Select object's length property. The Select object
has the onchange event which fires when the user selects another item
from the list.
Finally we added a basic user interface to the Trivia Quiz. Now
questions are created dynamically with the document.write() method and
the user can select their answer from a group of radio buttons.
In the next chapter we'll be looking at how, once you have created a
frameset in a page, you can access code and variables between
frames. We'll also look at how to open new windows using JavaScript
and methods of manipulating them once they are open. We'll see the
trivia quiz become a frame based application.
Suggested solutions to these questions can be found in Appendix A.
Question 1
Using the code from the temperature converter example we saw in
Chapter 2, create a user interface for it and connect it to the
existing code so that the user can enter a value in degrees Fahrenheit
and convert it to centigrade.
Create a user interface that allows the user to pick the computer
system of their dreams, similar in principle to the e-commerce sites
selling computers over the Internet. For example, they could be given
a choice of processor type, speed, memory, hard drive size, and the
option to add additional components like DVD-ROM drives, sound cards,
and so on. As the user changes the selection the price of the system
should update automatically and notify the user of the cost of the
system as they have specified it either by using an alert box or
updating the contents of a text box.
Related items
Controlling Data Entry Using Form Fields
Form Image Button Fields
Creating 'Encoded' Name & Value Pairs
Disabling form elements
Passing data from one form to another
Addressing Form Field Validation with Regular Expressions and JavaScript 1.2
Dynamic Dropdown Menus
Form Tricks
Dropdown Menus #3
Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
©2018 Martin Webb