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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | toasternet

<networking> 1. A low cost, low tech, publicly accessible local community network. This is probably an extension of the term "toaster" used to mean a small, cheap, slow computer.

community networks (gopher://gopher.well.sf.ca.us/00/Community/communets/about.nets).

2. The title of some informal notes on IP addressing, ("Toasternet Part I and II"), circulated on the IETF mailing list during November 1991 and March 1992.

Subsequent work was published in June 1993 in RFC 1475 and RFC 1476 and the "CATNIP" Internet-Draft by Robert L. Ullmann


Nearby terms: to a first approximation « toast « toaster « toasternet » to a zeroth approximation » toggle » TOK

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