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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | palmtop

<computer> (Or "pocket computer", "Hand-held Personal Computer", H/PC) A small general-purpose, programmable, battery-powered computer cabable of handling both numbers and text (in contrast to most pocket calculators) which can be operated comfortably while held in one hand. A palmtop is usually loaded with an operating system such as Windows CE. Data can be transferred between the palmtop and a desktop PC.

A palmtop is very similar to a Personal Digital Assistant though a palmptop may have a larger keyboard and more RAM and is possibly more general purpose in concept, if not in practise.

The Psion Organiser is one of the best known examples. [Was it the first?]


Nearby terms: PAL « Palace « palette « palmtop » Palo Alto Research Center » Palo Alto Research Centre » PAM

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