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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | integer

<mathematics> (Or "whole number") One of the numbers in the set

	..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

There are an infinite number of integers, though each one is finite.

An inductive definition of an integer is a number that is either zero or an integer plus or minus one. An integer has no fractional part. If written as a real number, e.g. 42.0, the part after the decimal point will be zero.

A natural number is a non-negative integer.

Computers usually store integers in binary. Natural numbers can be stored as unsigned integers and integers that may be negative require a sign bit and typically use twos complement representation. Other representations have been used, such as binary-coded decimal.


Nearby terms: instrument « int « INTCODE « integer » Integer SPECbaserate » Integer SPECbaseratio » Integer SPECrate

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