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Related entries include:

3DO; AberMUD; ADVENT; Adventure Definition Language; ADVSYS; alpha/beta pruning; chess; CHIP-8; Core War; DOOM; DROOL; DV cartridge; empire; games; game tree; Go; Hunt the Wumpus; id Software; Inglish; initgame; International Core War Society; Internet Chess Server; Internet Go Server; I see no X here.; joystick; LambdaMOO; LP MUD; Mac Playmate; minimax; moria; MUD; muddie; mudhead; MUD Object Oriented; Multi-User Dimension; NetHack; Netrek; Nintendo; ogg; one-liner wars; perspective; PINBOL; play by electronic mail; Playstation; plugh; Pong; rogue; scrolling; SEGA; Sega Genesis/MegaDrive; Sierra; SimCity; SimCity 2000; SPACEWAR; Towers of Hanoi; Ultra64; vadding; wizard mode; xyzzy; ZIL; Zork; zorkmid;

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