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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | Veronica

<information science> Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives. Veronica offers a keyword search of most gopher menu titles in the entire gopher web. As archie is to FTP archives, Veronica is to Gopherspace. A Veronica search produces a menu of Gopher items, each of which is a direct pointer to a Gopher data source. Because Veronica is accessed through a Gopher Client, it is easy to use, and gives access to all types of data supported by the Gopher protocol.

To try Veronica, select it from the "Other Gophers" menu on Minnesota's gopher server, or point your gopher at:

 Name=veronica (search menu items in most of GopherSpace)


Nearby terms: verification « Verilog « Verilog SA « Veronica » Versa Module Europa » version » Version 7

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