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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | VAX MIPS

<benchmark> (Or VAX Unit of Performance, VUP) The processing power normally attributed to a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780. Future VAX systems were rated according to this scale (e.g. VAX 8350's being 2.7 VUPs per CPU). A MicroVAX II is normally associated with 0.9 VUPs and at a later time the MicroVUP was coined to rate VAX workstations. The use of the VUP by Digital Equipment Corporation has been replaced with more standard benchmarks (SPECint and SPECfp) in the DEC Alpha processor systems.


Nearby terms: VAXen « vaxherd « vaxism « VAX MIPS » vaxocentrism » VAXset » VAXstation

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