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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | VAL

1. Value-oriented Algorithmic Language. J.B. Dennis, MIT 1979. Single assignment language, designed for MIT dataflow machine. Based on CLU, has iteration and error handling, lacking in recursion and I/O. "A Value- Oriented Algorithmic Language", W.B. Ackermann et al, MIT LCS TR-218, June 1979. "The VAL Language: Description and Analysis", J.R. McGraw, TOPLAS 4(1):44-82 (Jan 1982).

2. <language, robotics> Variable Assembly Language. Unimation. Language for industrial robots. Version: VAL II - "VAL II: A New Robot Control System for Automatic Manufacturing", B.E. Shimano et al, Proc IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics 1984, pp.278-292.

3. VHDL Annotation Language. Stanford. (ftp://wilbur.stanford.edu/pub/valbin-sun3-4.0-0.1.3.tar.Z). Source in Ada available from Larry M. Augustin <lma@sierra.stanford.edu>.

Nearby terms: va « vacuum tube « vadding « VAL » Valencia Simple Tasker » valency » Valid

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