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<processor> Intel's Pentium core logic chip set. In addition to the traditional features, this chip set supports: EDO DRAM to increase the bandwidth of the DRAM interface; "pipelined burst SRAM" for a cheaper, faster second level cache; "bus master IDE" control logic to reduce processor load; a plug and play port for easy implementation of functions such as audio.

The Triton I chipset (official name 82430FX) consists of 4 chips: one 82437FX TSC (Triton Sysetm Controller), two 82438FX TDP (Triton Data Path), and one 82371FB PIIX (PCI IDE Xcellerator). It supports PB Cache, EDO DRAM, and a maximum PCI and memory burst data transfer rate of 100 megabytes per second.

There are also Moble Triton (82430MX), Triton II (82430HX), and the Triton VX (82430VX) chip sets.

Introduction (http://asus.com.tw/Products/TB/triton-intro.html).


Nearby terms: triple DES « tri state « trit « Triton » Triton II » Triton VX » Trivial File Transfer Protocol

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