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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | Self

<language> A small, dynamically typed object-oriented language, based purely on prototypes and delegation. Self was developed by the Self Group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc. and Stanford University. It is an experimental exploratory programming language.

Release 2.0 introduces full source-level debugging of optimised code, adaptive optimisation to shorten compile pauses, lightweight threads within Self, support for dynamically linking foreign functions, changing programs within Self and the ability to run the experimental Self graphical browser under OpenWindows. Designed for expressive power and malleability, Self combines a pure, prototype-based object model with uniform access to state and behaviour. Unlike other languages, Self allows objects to inherit state and to change their patterns of inheritance dynamically. Self's customising compiler can generate very efficient code compared to other dynamically-typed object-oriented languages.

Version: 3.0 runs on Sun-3 (no optimiser) and Sun-4.


["Self: The Power of Simplicity", David Ungar <ungar@sun.eng.com> et al, SIGPLAN Notices 22(12):227-242, OOPSLA '87, Dec 1987].


Nearby terms: SEL « Selective Dissemination of Information « selector « Self » Self-Extensible Language » Self Extracting Archive » self-reference

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