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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | CDL

1. Computer Definition [Design?] Language. A hardware description language. "Computer Organisation and Microprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970.

2. Command Definition Language. Portion of ICES used to implement commands. Sammet 1969, p.618-620.

3. Compiler Description Language. C.H.A. Koster, 1969. Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammar by recursive procedures. A procedure may be a set of tree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executed until one successfully exits. Used in a portable COBOL-74 compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephisto chess computer. "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", in Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster, LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351. "Using the CDL Compiler Compiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974. Versions: CDL2, CDLM used at Manchester.

4. Common Design Language. "Common Design Language", IBM, Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983.

5. Control Definition Language. Ideas which contributed to Smalltalk.

["Control Structures for Programming Languges", David A. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].

Nearby terms: CDF « CD-i « CDIF « CDL » CDM » CDMA » CDP1802

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