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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | AIDA

<language> 1. A functional dialect of Dictionary APL by M. Gfeller.

["APL Arrays and Their Editor", M. Gfeller, SIGPLAN Notices 21(6):18-27 (June 1986) and SIGAPL Conf Proc].

2. An intermediate representation language for Ada developed at the University of Karlsruhe in 1980. AIDA was merged with TCOL.Ada to form Diana.

["AIDA Introduction and User Manual", M. Dausmann et al, U Karlsruhe, Inst fur Inform II, TR Nr 38/80].

["AIDA Reference Manual", ibid, TR Nr 39/80, Nov 1980].


Nearby terms: AIA « AI-complete « AID « AIDA » AIDS » AIDX » AIFF

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