JavaScript History FAQ
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- FAQ 104 The answer to the last question got me thinking. The actual URL of the bottom frame must be stored somewhere as a variable so that the browser can go back to the previous URL in the bottom frame. How can you get this URL?
- FAQ 244 How do I tell the browser not to save the current URL in the history folder?
- FAQ 311 How do I disable the "Back" button of a browser?
- FAQ 323 Is it possible to combine forms and replace() so that the form submission does not create a history entry?
- FAQ 474 How do I script back and forward history buttons in a remote control new window that effect the main window?
- FAQ 529 How I can restrict the history of a window to one location?
- FAQ 552 How do I make a link that mimics the action of the browser's BACK button?
- FAQ 651 Is it possible to click on an image residing on a frame to make another frame go back or forward in the history list?
- FAQ 657 Can I add history backward and forward ability to an image map?
- FAQ 752 Is there an HTML command that emulates the 'Back' button on the navigation bar ?
- FAQ 760 How can I move back one document in history with an image instead of a button?
- FAQ 801 How can I use history.go(-1) in a text link?
- FAQ 847 How do I get the list of URLs, a child window visited?
- FAQ 888 How can I change the location of the browser to a previous entry in the history object, specifying the url rather than the relative location in the history object?
- FAQ 895 Using a form button can I make the current frame and another frame go back on page in their respective history objects?
- FAQ 902 Is there anyway were both Netscape Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4 can send the user to a specified page from the back button in the browser and not the previous history of the back button?
- FAQ 922 In Internet Explorer 3 how can I use the history object to go back two locations in the history of the browser?
- FAQ 987 How can I access the history array, and retrieve all the previous locations visited?
- FAQ 991 Can I sniff the browsers history and then redirect the browser depending on where they have been before?
- FAQ 1034 Is there a way to always set the location to the first entry in the history object?
- FAQ 1107 How can the 'BACK' button of the browser change both the frames in the frameset?
- FAQ 1181 How can I check if the there are more entries in the history before the current page?
- FAQ 1239 Is there a way to keep a page dynamically generated by client-side javascript from being stored in history so that when the user hits the back button the dynamic frame doesn't cycle through its previous incarnations?
- FAQ 1770 How can I disable the back button and prevent other users/hackers from viewing the private pages of the (site/contents) of a user who has logged out?
- FAQ 1810 How can I disable the back button?
©2018 Martin Webb