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Q922 In Internet Explorer 3 how can I use the history object to go back two locations in the history of the browser?

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Internet Explorer 3 only supports -1, 0 or 1 as parameters to the history objects go() method.

The only possible workaround, is a frameset with a hidden frame that chnages the location of another frame twice by using the go() method twice in a row, although you'll not be able to correctly identify when the location has changed back, because Internet Explorer 3 returns zero as the value of the history objects length property - you would just have to wait a predetermined time before changing the other frames location back again:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function goBack1() {
    setTimeout=('goBack2()',1000); // go back 2nd time after a seconds delay

function goBack2() {

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©2018 Martin Webb

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