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Q323 Is it possible to combine forms and replace() so that the form submission does not create a history entry?

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Not if you want to use a method="POST". If however you are using method="GET", then we could possibly rewrite the form so that it doesn't use the action and method attributes but just changes the location using JavaScript, but with the form name-value pairs tacked on the end as if we had sent the form using method="GET":

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function sendform() {
    if (document.images)
        location.replace('http://www.somewhere.com/test.cgi' + '?' + 'myText=' + escape(document.myForm.myText.value));
        location.href = 'test.cgi' + '?' + 'myText=' + escape(document.myForm.myText.value);
    return false;

<FORM NAME="myForm" onSubmit="return sendform()">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="myText" VALUE="sample">

Note: in Opera replace() will work, but only with absolute URL's.

©2018 Martin Webb

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