JavaScript Objects FAQ
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- FAQ 204 How can I add a method to an object?
- FAQ 341 How do I sort a 2-D array on element N of each 'subarray'?
- FAQ 365 How do I create a multi-dimensional array in Javascript?
- FAQ 382 What is the best way to clear the contents of an array prior to repopulating it?
- FAQ 500 Is it possible to list all inherent properties and methods of a given object such as one used in an embed tag?
- FAQ 518 How can I join all the keys values in a hash array?
- FAQ 547 How do I delete an element from an options array?
- FAQ 568 Can arrays/objects be nested?
- FAQ 794 How can I pass the name of an instance of an object to the object itself?
- FAQ 827 Is there a way to use indexed variables, besides using arrays?
- FAQ 878 How can I clone or make a copy of an object, rather than just make a copy of the objects reference?
- FAQ 879 How can I clone or make a copy of an object, rather than just make a copy of the objects reference, even when the object contains other objects?
- FAQ 1110 How can I popup a new window and populate it with data from several arrays of data displayed in a table?
- FAQ 1138 How can I create a Money object?
- FAQ 1148 Is it possible to detect for the support of object methods in the same way you can detect for the support of objects?
- FAQ 1172 How can I cycle through a list of filenames in an array and show then in a text form field when a button is clicked?
- FAQ 1271 How can I pass an object to a function invoked by a setTimeout, without losing the contents of the array when it goes out of scope?
- FAQ 1282 How do I sort an array of identical objects with more than one property within them, sorting the array on the values within any one of those properties?
- FAQ 1306 How can I hold a reference to the current object instance?
- FAQ 1308 How to you remove an element or item from an array (ie make it smaller)?
- FAQ 1564 Is it possible to generate an array based on the number the user had entered in a text field?
- FAQ 1569 In an object constructor how can I ensure that the correct parameters have been passed?
- FAQ 1580 Can I create object getter and setter methods, as I can in Java?
- FAQ 1589 Does JavaScript support inner functions, in the same way that Java supports inner methods?
- FAQ 1590 Does JavaScript do 'call by reference' or 'call by value'?
- FAQ 1599 Is it posible to use something like pointers to different objects depending on a condition?
- FAQ 1656 Can I make an array of functions?
- FAQ 1660 Is it possible to add a property or a method to pre-built objects, such as Image objects?
- FAQ 1731 Is there a way of shifting the contents of an array down / up e.g. 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3 etc?
©2018 Martin Webb