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Try the following:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function bookObject(title,author,publisher,isbn,edition) { this.title = title; = author; this.publisher = publisher; this.isbn = isbn; this.edition = edition; } function cloneObject(what) { for (i in what) { this[i] = what[i]; } } var book1 = new bookObject('JavaScript The Definitive Guide','David Flanagan',"O'Reilly",'1-56592-234-4','2nd Edition'); var book2 = new cloneObject(book1); book2.edition = '3rd Edition'; book2.isbn = '1-56592-392-8'; function displayObject(what) { var output = ''; for (i in what) output += i + ' = ' + what[i] + '\n'; alert(output); } displayObject(book1); displayObject(book2); //--></script>
The cloneObject object accepts an objects reference and then returns another object with the same properties and property values.