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Q1148 Is it possible to detect for the support of object methods in the same way you can detect for the support of objects?

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It would be nice if you could. But IIRC it can't be done on Internet Explorer 3 - it doesn't like you testing for object methods that actually exist. The following code shows how you would test for objects, methods and properties:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (document.images)
    document.write('Image object supported<br>');
    document.write('Image object is not supported<br>');

if (window.open)
    document.write('Window open method supported<br>');
    document.write('Window open method not supported<br>');

if (window.location)
    document.write('Window location propert supported<br>');
    document.write('Window location propert not supported<br>');

if (window.bogusname)
    document.write('Window bogusname object/method/property supported<br>');
    document.write('Window bogusname object/method/property not supported<br>');

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