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BBS: Why is EMBED SRC screwing up all font sizes and alignment?? - August 21, 1998 at 06:06:45

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Why is EMBED SRC screwing up all font sizes and alignment?? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Yvan Gagnon on August 21, 1998 at 06:06:45:

I have isolated a very serious problem with the use of EMBED SRC in my frames-based personal
website. I have learned, though a relentless de-bugging process, that any time I embed either a wave
file or a RealAudio file in any of my frame windows, -- be it in a visible frame or a hidden one, -- that
all of the formatting throughout the rest of the site suddenly goes all out of whack. I'm noticing,
especially, that my font sizes get slightly reduced, .. enough to screw up the placement and justification
of my text to the point where it is totally unacceptable. I am using Netscape Communicator 4.05, and
currently my site only works in this version, .. since I'm using some scattered dhtml. Are there any
certain issues that I should be aware of in regards to the use of EMBED SRC in combination with any
other kinds of advanced programming, .. or if there's perhaps a lesser known bug in the Java engine
that would cause something like this to happen? This is absurd and extremely frustrating, and I need to
figure out a way to either fix it or get around it. Can anyone here help me out?

-- yvan

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