JavaScript Bugs FAQ
You are here: | FAQ | JavaScript | Bugs
- FAQ 1064 Changed form action doesn't act
- FAQ 1065 Form does not submit on enter
- FAQ 1066 Funny characters received from hidden form
- FAQ 1067 Scandinavian javascript error
- FAQ 1068 Cross domain security violation in frames
- FAQ 1069 A function named logon() does not execute
- FAQ 1070 Can't reflect applet "(null)": not loaded yet.
- FAQ 1071 indexOf in combination with charAt does not work
- FAQ 1072 Netscape 2 rounding error
- FAQ 1073 Netscape 4's hourglass cursor sticks
- FAQ 1074 Weird things happen using onClick with a link
- FAQ 1082 Netscape shows the source of the <SCRIPT SRC="filename.js">
- FAQ 1083 Netscape stops dead, nothing in browser window
- FAQ 1084 Browser shows the source of the *.js source file
- FAQ 1085 Browser freezes totally
- FAQ 1086 Problems when printing
- FAQ 1248 Why do I get a strange error on a page with both javascript and vbscript?
- FAQ 1253 Error "-------" is not a function
- FAQ 1262 Why does Internet Explorer give "object doesn't support function..."?
- FAQ 1263 How do I change the width of a select with dynamically created options in Netscape Navigator 3?
- FAQ 1266 I cannot select and copy text in a table
- FAQ 1442 Netscape 6 Beta Bugs - History does not work...
- FAQ 1455 In side a JavaScript function (for Netscape Navigator 3.04) when I do document.form.file.value where file is of type input="file" with enctype="multipart/form-data" it does not return any value.
- FAQ 1470 Netscape Navigator does not allow you to dynamically write into another window and include an external JavaScript Source file
- FAQ 1514 Internet Explorer mouseOver calls functions twice
- FAQ 1524 Images in a layers disappears in Netscape Navigator on resize
- FAQ 1526 Netscape is out of memory, why?
- FAQ 1581 In Netscape 4 and 4.5 on the Mac, resizing a window causes links in the window to lose their onClick actions
- FAQ 1695 How can I change a selected item in one select box based on a choice from another select box without using frames?
- FAQ 1737 On Netscape 4.0 & 4.6 for the Mac resizing the window will break all of your hyperlinks' onClick actions
- FAQ 1748 Netscape Navigator 4 loses the onMouseDown event handlers after a window resize
©2018 Martin Webb