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Q1524 Images in a layers disappears in Netscape Navigator on resize

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Affects: Netscape Navigator 4.x 4.x

If you put this in a layer <IMG name=img1 border=0 src="test.gif"> using the onLoad event handler, the image will disappear when the browser is resized.

Uncomment the commented line and comment the next to see that Netscape will look for a wysiwyg:// image

Solution is to give the image an absolute path either hardcoded or using the trick I have included

ie = (document.all);
ns = (document.layers);
h = location.href;(p=h.lastIndexOf("/")) > 0 ? homedir=h.substring(0,p+1) : homedir = "";
function load() {
//   html = '<a href="javascript:;)"><IMG name=img1 border=0 src="test.gif" onError="alert(\'error:\'+this.src)" onLoad="alert(\'loaded:\'+this.src)">Please resize window.</a>';
   html = '<a href="javascript:;)"><IMG name=img1 border=0 src="'+homedir+'test.gif" onError="alert(\'error:\'+this.src)" onLoad="alert(\'loaded:\'+this.src)">Please resize window.</a>';
   if (ie) document.all['lyrMain'].innerHTML = html;
   else if (ns) {
      document.layers.lyrMain.document.write( html );
<body onload="load()">
<div id="lyrMain" style="position:absolute; top:100; left:100; width:400; height:400; background-color: #ddeeff; z-index:0; visibility:visible;">
Some text

©2018 Martin Webb

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