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Q805 How can you get more precise control over the phsycial attributes of each new window using open.window?

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You can either have different instances of the window.open method in the document:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--

Or you create your own function and pass it the required attributes:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function myOpen(url,windowName,width,height,directories,location,menubar,scrollbars,status,toolbar,resizable) {
     var features =
         'width='        + width +
         ',height='      + height +
         ',directories=' + directories. +
         ',location='    + location +
         ',menubar='     + menubar +
         ',scrollbars='  + scrollbars +
         ',status='      + status +
         ',toolbar='     + toolbar +
         ',resizable='   + resizable;

    window.open (url, windowName, features);


The first method is easiest.

©2018 Martin Webb

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