JavaScript Windows FAQ
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- FAQ 26 How do you load two pages automatically, in separate windows?
- FAQ 32 How can I create a message window using the open command?
- FAQ 36 Is it possible to load several predefined www pages into one window sequentially?
- FAQ 40 When I open a new window, how can I change the contents of the original window from the new window?
- FAQ 56 How can I open two pop-up windows?
- FAQ 66 How do I get a pop-up window to always stay on top?
- FAQ 84 Is there a way to close a child window after I click the submit button?
- FAQ 86 How do I display a popup window when an image is clicked? Can you do this in an image map also?
- FAQ 90 Is there a way to open a new window using the method so that the window opens to a specified size?
- FAQ 98 How can do you close a child window when your site is unloaded from the parent window?
- FAQ 118 How can I popup a window with an image in it using onMouseOver on either a word or an image?
- FAQ 141 How can I open a new window by passing the width and height as parameters from a function?
- FAQ 142 How do I tell if a window that I have created is still open?
- FAQ 158 How can I create a window on the initial loading of a page, but keep it hidden until it is used?
- FAQ 159 How can I change the focus from one window to the other window (and vice versa) by clicking on an link or image, but keep both windows open?
- FAQ 166 Is there a way to write from a window I opened back to the one that opened it using a document.write?
- FAQ 194 How can I adapt the previous script so that a window opens and closes on onMouseOver and onMouseOut?
- FAQ 198 How do I open a window at a given position on the screen?
- FAQ 207 How can I put a message in the status window when the mouse is over a link, but after a certain length of time change the message to display the URL specified in the link?
- FAQ 212 Is it possible to maximise the current window?
- FAQ 213 How can I open a new links window and have the links opening in the main window?
- FAQ 214 How do I stop a popup window from opening?
- FAQ 215 Is it possible to close the parent window (main web browser window) from a child window?
- FAQ 221 How can I change the location of the main window once a document from another server has loaded?
- FAQ 222 How can I open a window which will always stay on top of all browser windows?
- FAQ 227 How do you target links into a frame within a new windows opener?
- FAQ 231 How can I close a popup window after, say, 5 seconds?
- FAQ 240 Is it possible to dynamically alter the size of a window after it has been created?
- FAQ 250 How can I close a window as soon as the document starts to load?
- FAQ 261 How do you return the results from a query into a new window?
- FAQ 263 How can I target the main browser window?
- FAQ 264 How can I target another window when using a drop down menu?
- FAQ 272 When a page is reloaded how can it check that any window it previously opened is not still open before attempting to open it again?
- FAQ 308 When using window.close() some pages ask 'Close Window? (yes/no)' and others don't, why?
- FAQ 309 Internet Explorer 3 doesn't seem to recognize opener in a pop-opened window, what do I do?
- FAQ 310 Is it possible to detect when the window has been resized?
- FAQ 319 How can I load a popup window when a user leaves my site?
- FAQ 322 Is there a solution for the problem "Interface not supported" or "no such interface supported" with Internet Explorer 4?
- FAQ 330 How can I create a modal window in Internet Explorer 4?
- FAQ 337 How do I make a popup window from a dropdown menu?
- FAQ 338 How can I submit a form on a popup window and target the results into the main window and close the popup window at the same time?
- FAQ 339 How can I submit a form on a popup window and target the results into the main window and close the popup window at the same time, even if the location of the main page has changed?
- FAQ 342 How can I close a window after 10 seconds unless the mouse has moved, in which case I should suspend the closure for another 10 seconds?
- FAQ 345 How can I make a generic function that opens up windows using the url, window name that I pass, which correctly defines the opener as the current window?
- FAQ 349 How can a button in a popup window, change the main window so that the current page in the main window is reloaded into a frameset?
- FAQ 358 Why when writing into a popup window does Internet Explorer return with 'Access is denied'?
- FAQ 366 How can I avoid the confirm message when closing a window?
- FAQ 369 How can I pass the name entered in a text box to a popup window for display when the form button is pressed?
- FAQ 398 How can I with a click on a button in a window, open a new window, setup a frameset in the new window and write text to the frames, all from the same script?
- FAQ 406 Is it possible to dynamically remove window options?
- FAQ 407 When I use a normal text link to open a popup window the main window is also affected - how do I avoid this?
- FAQ 413 How can I return the text values from a multiple select box back to a form on the opener window?
- FAQ 417 How do I link from the main window to a named link within a frame within a pop up window?
- FAQ 428 How can I close the current window after opening a new popup window?
- FAQ 432 Is it possible to disallow a pop-up window to be maximized?
- FAQ 446 How can I close several windows that I opened with
- FAQ 452 Is there a way to close a window without that confirm message?
- FAQ 465 How can I invoke another instance of the browser with a specific URL?
- FAQ 475 Is it possible to pop-up a window the same size as the image it contains?
- FAQ 486 How do I open another window from within a child window?
- FAQ 492 Is there a way to have a window self focus but still allow the user to enter data into a form?
- FAQ 509 How can I load a popup window when a user leaves my site, even if the user types in a url, selects a bookmark, clicks on the back button, or selects a url from the history?
- FAQ 513 How can you target the opener window by name using a normal HTML link?
- FAQ 540 How can I stop popup windows being opened up by my web host provider?
- FAQ 543 How can I change the Width/Height of the current window (not maximized) with a link?
- FAQ 575 How can I force Internet Explorer to open up and return the output of a cgi to a popup window using the onUnload() event handler?
- FAQ 577 If I open a window and I give it a name, can I perform operations based on the name?
- FAQ 587 Can I create a window that stays on top, but does not interfere with the other items open on the desktop?
- FAQ 616 How can I resize a child when a new image is loaded into it?
- FAQ 632 Is is possible to trap the escape key and cause it to close the browser window?
- FAQ 633 Is there a way to open up a pop up window which will constrain to the dimensions of an image and still allow you to have a title text for the popup window?
- FAQ 638 How can I display the results of a form in a new window opened with
- FAQ 641 Can I code around the dreaded 'Interface not supported' error message?
- FAQ 645 When using for the second time on a already opened window, how can I bring the window in front of the main browser window?
- FAQ 648 A window has two pop-up windows, how can I close a pop-up window by clicking a link text in another pop-up window and load a different page in the main window at the same time?
- FAQ 654 How can you specify the size of a window with so that both Netscape Navigator & Internet Explorer open a window with the same size document area?
- FAQ 663 How can I load a document into a new window from a link, if the browser supports javascript, and into the current window if it doesn't?
- FAQ 664 Is it possible to open up a new, small window using a text link instead of a button, also is it possible to have more than one per page?
- FAQ 665 Can I create a window, and on the fly write code to it to display a named image and a close button?
- FAQ 676 How can I control the opening and closing of a popup window using a checkbox?
- FAQ 677 How can I open a popup window, or a new window if javascript is not enabled/supported?
- FAQ 679 How can I close a pop up window containg frames?
- FAQ 683 How do I iterate over all the opened windows?
- FAQ 686 Is is possible to load an image into a popup window and then resize the window to fit the image, even if the window is already open?
- FAQ 695 How can I open a goodbye window, when a user selects link that leaves my site?
- FAQ 697 Why won't my popup window resize with window.resizeTo(400,400)?
- FAQ 710 Is there a way to open a maximised window in Internet Explorer?
- FAQ 712 How can I open a "prompt" window and select it's size?
- FAQ 714 How do I pass the values of radio buttons to a window created on the fly, rather than using the search function of an existing page?
- FAQ 716 How can you open a window from a text link?
- FAQ 719 How can I shut down the browser by closing the child window AND its open parent window?
- FAQ 722 Is there any way I can share the window object amongst all of my webpages, so that the window gets created only once, and I can just call window.focus() to pop it up every time, no matter which page the user chooses it from?
- FAQ 731 Why can't I write into a frame of a a new window that I have just opened?
- FAQ 733 What does hotkeys=no actually disable when used when opening a new window? ?
- FAQ 740 How do I retrieve the source of an image used in a form in the popup windows opener window and use it for display?
- FAQ 747 How can close a popup window after a delay?
- FAQ 767 How do I access a function in the popup windows opening window?
- FAQ 781 Can you open a hidden window?
- FAQ 782 Is it possible to get access to a named window, opened with target=name?
- FAQ 786 How can I open a child window when a form field submit button is first clicked, but switch focus to the child window on subsequent clicks?
- FAQ 791 How do I make an object fit into a window that is already specified in size?
- FAQ 793 Is there some way I can change the focus to the original window, if the window still exists?
- FAQ 796 How do I direct the output of the command into the same window?
- FAQ 802 Is it possible to open a window, add data to it periodically and keep it hidden until I need it?
- FAQ 805 How can you get more precise control over the phsycial attributes of each new window using open.window?
- FAQ 823 How can I make a window that always stays on top and never closes?
- FAQ 826 Is there a way to get a pop-up window to pop-up automatically without having to be accessed via a link or button?
- FAQ 829 How can I open a popup from a main page and then have a script that will close the main page and leave the popup open to use?
- FAQ 845 From the main window I open a smaller child window, in this child window, if a user selects a link, I want to load the new page in the main browser window and close the child window. How do I do this?
- FAQ 863 How can I close the current window when opening a new popup window from a text link?
- FAQ 866 Why can't I close a popup window using its name?
- FAQ 869 Is there a way to freeze a pop-up window so the user can't do anything until the form is submitted?
- FAQ 874 How can I get the window handle of an already opened window?
- FAQ 877 Is it possible to make a pop-up window automatically resize to fit all the text and images contained in a page?
- FAQ 885 How can I open and close a specific sized window in a specific location, by passing the name of an image along with the text caption to be loaded in a single generic document, which can be reused many times, when the mouse moves over an image link?
- FAQ 886 How can I maximise and bring the popup window to the top, from within the window that opens it?
- FAQ 890 How can I create a modal window in Netscape 4?
- FAQ 906 How can I update the contents of a popup window when pressing a form button in the popup window, and using the opener window to hold all the necessary code?
- FAQ 907 How can I open a popup window - once only - when my frameset loads?
- FAQ 943 How can I ensure that my page is loaded into a full size window in Netscape Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4 without any browser toolbars?
- FAQ 945 Is there any way to close the browser window without the confirmation dialog that pops up when using "window.close()"?
- FAQ 947 How can I open a new maximised window without any toolbars when clicking a link?
- FAQ 948 How can I close my popup window when the location of the main window changes?
- FAQ 959 How can I open a second popup window, and close the first popup window?
- FAQ 963 How can I control the loading of two child windows from a third child window, so that a list of links is loaded alternatively in the other two windows?
- FAQ 968 When opening a popup window from a link how can I stop the main page being replaced with the word '[object]'?
- FAQ 979 How do I open another large/big window?
- FAQ 980 Is it possible to create an independent window that is always on top, but which doesn't interfere with the use of any other windows?
- FAQ 996 How can I open a different popup window each day of the month, e.g. 30.htm for the 30th?
- FAQ 999 How can I avoid using opener.opener every time when referring to many variables in the window that opened the window that opened the current window?
- FAQ 1021 How can I resize the browser and display an image in the center of the browser window?
- FAQ 1022 How can I remove the toolbars of the current window?
- FAQ 1023 How can I retrieve the toolbars of the current window which were removed by the previous example?
- FAQ 1027 How can I change the current location and open a popup window at the same time?
- FAQ 1038 Is there a way for a popup window to check if the URL of the main window has changed to a URL on a different server without causing an error?
- FAQ 1040 How do I prevent the browser window from being resized?
- FAQ 1048 How can I close the child window when I close its opener?
- FAQ 1053 How can I open a popup window that is smaller than the main window?
- FAQ 1060 How can I reload the current document in to a 310x422 window with no toolbars?
- FAQ 1114 How can I create a popup window where the user can select which link they would like to go to and have the page load in one frame on the main window, and then close the popup window?
- FAQ 1123 Is it possible to resize the window?
- FAQ 1128 Can I hide (minimise) a window?
- FAQ 1137 How can I check that a popup window is still open before attempting to close it?
- FAQ 1180 If I have a list A-Z, how can I open a popup window which contains a list of words beginning with the letter chosen, that when clicked place the word in a search form filed back on the original window?
- FAQ 1184 How do I open a pop-up window so that it will be the same size in for both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator ?
- FAQ 1193 Using Microsoft Internet Explorer, how can I open a full screen window when a link is clicked?
- FAQ 1207 How can I detect my pop up window being closed by the visitor?
- FAQ 1208 How can I detect a change of URL in my pop up window?
- FAQ 1209 Is it possible to close the main window and all the popup windows at the same time?
- FAQ 1220 How can I load a page into a full screen window in Netscape Navigator?
- FAQ 1224 Is it possible to resize the browser to a preferred size, and then set it back to the original size one the visitor leaves?
- FAQ 1228 How can I add the required delay to overcome the 'access denied' error when focusing popup windows in Internet Explorer?
- FAQ 1230 How can I capture the window close event when the user clicks the window close icon?
- FAQ 1233 How do I stop an advertisers popup window from opening, but still open my own?
- FAQ 1235 How do I close a popup window after submitting a form from it?
- FAQ 1252 How do I close a pop-up window if I only have the name of the frame?
- FAQ 1255 What do I need to know about window names?
- FAQ 1256 How can I create a popup window that loads 20 seconds after my page has loaded?
- FAQ 1277 How can I create a modal dialog window?
- FAQ 1292 How can I adapt the dictionary popup article to accept a phrase which may or may not include space?
- FAQ 1300 re: FAQ 877 Is it possible to make a pop-up window automatically resize to fit all the text and images contained in a page?
- FAQ 1316 How do I center a popup window?
- FAQ 1323 How can I resize a window when the mouse moves over it, and resize to a different size when mouse moves out of the window?
- FAQ 1330 Is there any way that I can close all the child windows just by clicking one button?
- FAQ 1332 How can you close a child window by clicking a form button on the parent window?
- FAQ 1336 From the child window, how can I check to determine if an opener window is still opened?
- FAQ 1338 How can I keep two popup windows in focus?
- FAQ 1340 Can I maximize the current popup window by click on a link in that same window?
- FAQ 1341 How can I determine the height and width of the window or frame?
- FAQ 1344 How can I persist data through a page reload/resize?
- FAQ 1353 Is it possible to alter seperately the window vertical or horizontal size?
- FAQ 1354 How can I load a document into the opener window of a popop window, where the opener window has since loaded a secure page?
- FAQ 1373 How can I keep pop-up windows in the correct stacking order, even though they may be opened in a different order?
- FAQ 1395 How can I open popup windows as a percentage of monitor size?
- FAQ 1397 How do I set the size and position two windows to take up 80% and 20% of the screen height and place them one above the other?
- FAQ 1399 How can I open a popup window in the middle of the screen?
- FAQ 1404 How can I dock one popup window to the side of another and window keep it that way even if a user moves one of the windows?
- FAQ 1416 How can I open a popup window and position it relative to the existing window?
- FAQ 1443 How else can I pop-up a window the same size as the image it contains?
- FAQ 1444 I want to open a small dialog box on the screen, ask a yes/no question and have 2-3 buttons: yes, no, and cancel, depending on which is selected, the appropriate page is then displayed in the browser window - is this possible and how might it be done?
- FAQ 1454 Is there a way with the window object to force a refresh of the window contents using JavaScript?
- FAQ 1465 Is there a way to use JavaScript to maximize an exising window?
- FAQ 1475 How do I show a confirm box when the user closes their browser manually as I'd like to remind users to log out of my webpage properly before closing their browser?
- FAQ 1476 How do I close a child window right after the parent window closes?
- FAQ 1480 Can JavaScript start a window in "Kiosk Mode"?
- FAQ 1481 Is it possible to get information, in pixels, about the total length of a scrolling document?
- FAQ 1482 Is it possible using an <a href> command to load a second page (target=_blank) so that the browser does not display the toolbars and buttons as in a pop up window using java script?
- FAQ 1483 How can I pop up a window on leaving a site
- FAQ 1519 How can I open the browser window at a relative-to-screen size and center it all in the same script?
- FAQ 1532 How can I change the text in the title bar of the browser?
- FAQ 1541 How can I refresh my main window by clicking on a submit button in a frame of that window?
- FAQ 1545 Is it possible to have the close, minimize and maximize functions replaced by clickable images that do the same thing inside a page?
- FAQ 1547 How can I open or close four windows using a loop?
- FAQ 1549 How do I get a browser to open full screen regardless of the users resolution?
- FAQ 1557 How do I have the browser window center itself on screen regardless of screen resolution?
- FAQ 1571 How can I prevent a popup window being reloaded if the main page is refreshed or reloaded?
- FAQ 1575 What is the Internet Explorer equivalent of Netscape Navigator's window.innerheight and window.innerWidth?
- FAQ 1576 How can I open a popup window whilst simultaneously changing the URL of the current page?
- FAQ 1592 Is there a way to retrieve a window's handle given the window's name?
- FAQ 1597 Is there a way to launch a window that is 80% of full size, but at least a minimum of, say, 640x480?
- FAQ 1606 How can I open a full screen window without any chrome in Netscape Navugator?
- FAQ 1610 How do I refrence a JavaScript varible in an opener window from the popup window?
- FAQ 1614 How can I offer the user the ability to resize the browser to 800x600, and then automatically resize to their original specification when they leave the page?
- FAQ 1624 How can I open a popup window when a visitor clicks a link that leaves my site?
- FAQ 1625 How can I cause a page to refresh/reload when a user changes the size of the window?
- FAQ 1626 How can prevent a window from being resized in one direction only?
- FAQ 1641 Can I maximize the current popup window by clicking on the link in that same window?
- FAQ 1663 How can I pass multiple selected options from a select list to a popup window?
- FAQ 1667 Is it possible to prompt the user for two values?
- FAQ 1680 How can I dock one popup window to the side of another?
- FAQ 1681 How can I close an entire frameset with with a button link or text link?
- FAQ 1682 How can I open or close multiple windows using a loop?
- FAQ 1683 Is there any way for a parent window to check if a child window has fully loaded?
- FAQ 1705 Can I submit a form in a parent window by clicking a submit button in a child window?
- FAQ 1706 How can I randomly open one of 100 windows named 1.htm to 100.htm?
- FAQ 1714 How can I resize the opener of a popup window?
- FAQ 1716 How can I detect when the opener of a popup window has changed?
- FAQ 1725 How do I avoid the main window displaying [object] when I click on a hypertext link to open a new popup window?
- FAQ 1754 How can I execute a function every 10 seconds?
- FAQ 1761 How can I close the current popup window's opener?
- FAQ 1766 How do I avoid the "close window" message?
- FAQ 1769 How to avoid the confirmation dialog box when closing a window in Internet Explorer?
- FAQ 1771 How can you force the current window to close after opening a popup window?
- FAQ 1776 Is it possible to make a pop-up window automatically resize to fit all the text and images contained in a page?
- FAQ 1782 Q475 Is it possible to pop-up a window the same size as the image it contains?
- FAQ 1786 If I use a button to create a pop-up screen with links, how do I get the links to open in the orginal main window, creating frames and make the pop-up disappear?
- FAQ 1788 How do I really force a real reload of the parent window when closing a child without having to mess with annoying frames?
- FAQ 1791 How can I detect the browser close event?
- FAQ 1804 How do I always popup a window in the center of the parent window regardless of where the parent window is?
- FAQ 1807 How do I get a child window to close after clicking on a link that opens in the parent window?
- FAQ 1809 How do I make a modal window?
©2018 Martin Webb