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Q3018 How can I compare two strings for case-sensitivity?

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String1 = "myString"
String2 = "MyString"

To compare these two strings without case-sensitivity, we would just say:

<cfif string1 eq string2>....</cfif>

This CFIF would return a TRUE value, and execute the code between the CFIF tags.

However, to make the comparison case-sensitive, we can use the ColdFusion Compare() function.

<cfif Compare(string1,string2) eq "0">...</cfif>

In this case, the two strings are not the same and will not execute the code between the CFIF tags.

The Compare() function performs a check on the ASCII values of the characters in each string. The function returns a negative number if string1 is less than string2, zero(0) if string1 is equal to string2, or a positive number if string1 is greater than string2.

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