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Q1716 How can I detect when the opener of a popup window has changed?

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Try the following, which might work even when the opener window has loaded a page from a different domain:



<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var originalName = window.name;
window.name = (new Date()).getTime();

var windowReference = window.open('test.htm?' + name,'windowName','width=640,height=480');


<body onUnload="window.name=originalName">

<a href="about:blank" onClick="window.name=originalName">Change location of opener window</a>



And then in test.htm:



<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var time = '';
if (location.search.length > 1)
  time = location.search.substring(1);



<input type="button" onClick="if (time != opener.name) alert('changed')" value="opener?">



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