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Q1376 Using just the id of a layer how can I check that it is visible or hidden?

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.hidden { position:relative; visibility:hidden; }
.visible { position:relative; visibility:visible; }

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function getVisible(id) {
    if (document.layers)
        return document.layers[id].visibility == 'show' ? true : false;
    else if (document.all)
        return document.all[document.all.tags('div')[id].id].style.visibility == 'visible' ? true : false;

function getHidden(id) {
    return !getVisible(id);

function test() {
    var output = '';
    output += 'layer1 visible : ' + getVisible('layer1') + '\n';
    output += 'layer1 hidden : ' + getHidden('layer1') + '\n';
    output += 'layer2 visible : ' + getVisible('layer2') + '\n';
    output += 'layer2 hidden : ' + getHidden('layer2') + '\n';



<span id="layer1" class="hidden">layer1 is hidden</span>
<span id="layer2" class="visible">layer2 is visible</span>

<input type="button" value="test" onClick="test()">


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