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Q1375 How can I highlight the background color of table cells using onMouseOver, when the table is nested within a layer?

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.relative { position:relative; }
.absolute { position:absolute; }

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var color = '';

function over(outer,id) {
    if (document.layers) {
        window.color = window.document.layers[outer].document.layers[id].bgColor;
        window.document.layers[outer].document.layers[id].bgColor = '#FF0000';
    else if (document.all) {
        window.color = window.document.all[id].style.background;
        window.document.all[id].style.background = '#FF0000';

function out(outer,id) {
    if (document.layers)
        window.document.layers[outer].document.layers[id].bgColor = window.color;
    else if (document.all)
        window.document.all[id].style.background = window.color;



<span id="outer" class="absolute">

<td id="id1" class="relative"><a href="http://www.irt.org/" onMouseOver="window.over('outer','id1')" onMouseOut="window.out('outer','id1')">test</a></td>
<td id="id2" class="relative"><a href="http://www.irt.org/" onMouseOver="window.over('outer','id2')" onMouseOut="window.out('outer','id2')">test</a></td>



Dietmar Rietsch writes:

I just tried this script with Netscape 4.7. With Netscape you have to define the table width with pixels not percentages.

Feedback on 'Q1375 How can I highlight the background color of table cells using onMouseOver, when the table is nested within a layer?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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