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Q1228 How can I add the required delay to overcome the 'access denied' error when focusing popup windows in Internet Explorer?

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If the page you open comes from another server forget it. Otherwise try:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var popUp_Window = ""; // make it global

function popUpWindow(pagename) {
   popUp_Window = window.open(pagename,"pop_up","width=349,height=410");

   if (window.focus) setTimeout('popUp_Window.focus()',1000);

However a much safer (and instant) method is to put this in the page you open:

<body onLoad="if (window.focus) self.focus()">

Feedback on 'Q1228 How can I add the required delay to overcome the 'access denied' error when focusing popup windows in Internet Explorer?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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