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Q1114 How can I create a popup window where the user can select which link they would like to go to and have the page load in one frame on the main window, and then close the popup window?

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In the frame in the parent window:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
WinId = window.open('links.html','linkswindow','width=300,height=400');
if (!WinId.opener) WinId.opener=self;

In the links.hmtl:

<a href="javascript:opener.location = 'http://www.netscape.com'; self.close()">Netscape</a>
<a href="javascript:opener.location = 'http://www.microsoft.com'; self.close()">Microsoft</a>

Feedback on 'Q1114 How can I create a popup window where the user can select which link they would like to go to and have the page load in one frame on the main window, and then close the popup window?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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