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Q1027 How can I change the current location and open a popup window at the same time?

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<A HREF="nextpage.htm" onClick="window.open('popup.htm','','width=400,height=400')">text link</A>

Although there maybe a timing issue, where the changing of the current location stops the popup from being loaded.

It might be better to use something like:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
var wheretogo = '';
function go(ur1,url2) {
    wheretogo = url1;
    setTimeout('location.href = wheretogo',2000); // 2 second delay
    return false;

<A HREF="nextpage.htm" onClick="return go('nextpage.htm','popup.htm')">text link</A>

Feedback on 'Q1027 How can I change the current location and open a popup window at the same time?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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