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Feedback on: Automating NEW!, January 31, 2000 at 13:57:36:

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Feedback on:
Automating NEW!

Sent by
Todd Broberg on January 31, 2000 at 13:57:36:

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Great article! I loved this script and have, I believe, implemented successfully. However, I think I have detected a slight problem with the code. It took me some time to figure out what was happening (I'm not a Javascript programmer, by any means), but I think I found the source of difficulties I was having. My problem was that the "NEW" would not disappear the next day upon returning to the page. After playing around with some variables, I learned that the "getMonth()" command returns January as "0". I noticed that this was corrected for in the convert_date() function (which converts a date in the format ccyymmdd to the UTC format by subtracting 1 from the month. However, it was not corrected for in the function that reverses convert_date(). The reverse conversion function is called ccyymmdd(). To correct the problem, you must add 1 in the ccyymmdd() function where the getMonth() method is called. Now, I think the problem is solved on my page. Thanks again for a great site and for making such a wealth of great information available!


Todd Broberg

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