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Feedback: Automating NEW!

Feedback on: Automating NEW!

Sent by Todd Broberg on January 31, 2000 at 13:57:36: - feedback #777

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Great article! I loved this script and have, I believe, implemented successfully. However, I think I have detected a slight problem with the code. It took me some time to figure out what was happening (I'm not a Javascript programmer, by any means), but I think I found the source of difficulties I was having. My problem was that the "NEW" would not disappear the next day upon returning to the page. After playing around with some variables, I learned that the "getMonth()" command returns January as "0". I noticed that this was corrected for in the convert_date() function (which converts a date in the format ccyymmdd to the UTC format by subtracting 1 from the month. However, it was not corrected for in the function that reverses convert_date(). The reverse conversion function is called ccyymmdd(). To correct the problem, you must add 1 in the ccyymmdd() function where the getMonth() method is called. Now, I think the problem is solved on my page. Thanks again for a great site and for making such a wealth of great information available!


Todd Broberg

Sent by Howard Barnes on June 09, 2001 at 22:41:09: - feedback #2820

Just right

The acronym UTC stands for "Coordinated Universal Time" NOT "Universal Coordinated Time" NOR Universal Time Coordinated".

Please visit the following web sites for conclusive proof!

http://www.bipm.fr/enus/5_Scientific/c_time/time_server.html (BIPM Time Section; the world's GOVERNING BODY for civil atomic time-scales.),
http://www.bipm.fr/enus/5_Scientific/c_time/time_1.html (BIPM Time Section), (for the French version of these two web pages, click on 'Version française'.)
http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/earthor/utc/UTC.html (The International Earth Rotation Service),
http://www.rog.nmm.ac.uk/leaflets/time/time.html (The Royal Observatory Greenwich),
http://ecco.bsee.swin.edu.au/chronos/GMT-explained.html (a good history of UTC and GMT),
http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/fs-1037/dir-009/_1277.htm (US. National Institute of Standards & Technology),
http://www.npl.co.uk/npl/ctm/time_scales.html (UK's National Physical Laboratory),
http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/systime.html &
http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/UT.html (US Naval Observatory),
http://www.itu.int/radioclub/rr/arts02.htm (The International Telecommunications Union).

Regards to one and all,

Howard Barnes.

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