Feedback on: Re-directing access within Frames, November 02, 1998 at 02:46:13:
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Re-directing access within Frames
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Marcel Post on November 02, 1998 at 02:46:13:I still don't get it.
What I would really like, is a "universal" piece of js that can be added to every document that should appear in a right-frame wich checks if it exists in a frameset If it isn't loaded, then do so.
Most js programs have to be added with the specific html-document name. But there must be a way to store the original name of the (right-frame) document, and later load it in a frameset.
Bought myself a book about js, and studied the example shown here, but I still found no satisfying answer.
IS it actually possible ?
The reason I'm asking this, is because our website has a lot of branches, with lotsa documents that all appear next to the same left-frame document ( All the documents are regularly updated, and change more radically each year. The js should prevent to show just the right-frame document, when creating a bookmark. It should load the frameset as well, but with a standard piece of js.
With kind regards,
Marcel Post
(The Netherlands)
Other feedback on 'Re-directing access within Frames' - show all
- Re-directing access within Frames - Brian Vozza April 24, 2001 at 18:49:38
- Re-directing access within Frames - Daniel James January 07, 2000 at 16:00:36
- Re-directing access within Frames - Charles Hill June 08, 1999 at 08:52:44
- Re-directing access within Frames - Bob Langdon February 09, 1999 at 10:44:11
- Re-directing access within Frames - Cris Perdue December 11, 1998 at 20:10:43
- Re-directing access within Frames - Antti N�yh� November 24, 1998 at 08:04:47
- Re-directing access within Frames - Marcel Post November 02, 1998 at 02:46:13
- Re-directing access within Frames - Jim Schowalter November 01, 1998 at 20:02:22
- Re-directing access within Frames - Anders Lund October 19, 1998 at 16:23:29
- Re-directing access within Frames - Duif Calvin October 08, 1998 at 06:06:34
- Re-directing access within Frames - Kevin McNamara October 07, 1998 at 10:58:20
- Re-directing access within Frames - Kevin McNamara October 06, 1998 at 13:14:37
- Re-directing access within Frames - Remko Coltof October 02, 1998 at 02:44:49
- Re-directing access within Frames - Iain Hunneybell September 30, 1998 at 18:32:40
- Re-directing access within Frames - Charles C Martin September 23, 1998 at 03:06:49
- Re-directing access within Frames - Rachel Hodgson September 19, 1998 at 16:43:49
- Re-directing access within Frames - Iain Hunneybell September 19, 1998 at 16:11:41
- Re-directing access within Frames - Mike September 19, 1998 at 06:10:08
- Re-directing access within Frames - Kevin McNamara September 14, 1998 at 08:05:31
- Re-directing access within Frames - walter perry September 09, 1998 at 15:23:33
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