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Feedback on: Re-directing access within Frames, September 19, 1998 at 16:11:41:

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Feedback on:
Re-directing access within Frames

Sent by
Iain Hunneybell on September 19, 1998 at 16:11:41:Apologies---reposting of my last note but with { } substituted for angle braces. Somewhere the html was being understood by the server or browser!


---- Originally submitted note ------

I can not get this technique to work. I'm using IE 4.01 and Navigator 4.5 PR2 - both fail! I've tried all kinds of variations on the theme but to no avail. To confirm what I'm doing:

Frameset defined in index.html}


{script language="JavaScript"}
var correct_frame = true;
document.write('{frameset frameborder="0" border="0" cols="230,*"}');
document.write(' {frame name="nav" target="main" src="nav.html" scrolling="no" noresize}');
document.write(' {frame name="main" src="', (location.search ? location.search.substring(1): "main"), '.html"}');


{p}Sorry, but this site is designed using frames which your browser doesn't support. You
will need to update your browser to view this site.{/p}

Then in the header of a page targeted for the {main} frame:


{script language="JavaScript"}
var correct_frame = parent.location.href == '';
if (parent.location.href == self.location.href || !correct_frame)
window.location.href = 'index.html?main';

{body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#808080" TEXT="#808080"}

Note I have redefined the variable {correct_frame} as {parent.nav} seemed to have no value and would lead to an endless loop with the page filling itself with frames inside frames - basically filling the screen with the left hand nav bar.

The search parameter in the URL seems to be a major issue. Mabe this is because I'm using MS PWS but all I get is:

HTTP/1.0 403 Access Forbidden (Execute Access Denied - This Virtual Directory does not allow objects to be executed.)

This seems to be the server's understanding of the search extension ot the URL. The reload within frame works okay without the search term, but then of course I can't get the page to reload with the right main page loaded in the {main} frame.

Can you see something I'm doing wrong?


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