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Feedback on: JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base Q450, on June 24, 1999 at 07:30:58:

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Feedback on:
JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base Q450

Sent by
Ken nelson on June 24, 1999 at 07:30:58:

Worth reading

I'm finding that the answer in Javascript Q450 is effective only if one has enabled the scrollbar for the target window. (only tried in Netscape4)If the scrollbar has been disabled, scrolling apparently doesn't work. The same happens if you employ the standard HTML link <a name="something.html#anchor" target="thisframe">

Can your elite beta testers have a look at this? If I'm right you might want to add a warning about this to the answer.

This problem is a drag, because one is usually trying to create scrolling buttons precisely because they want to avoid showing a scrollbar. Duh...

Your site is excellent. I'm using it at least once a day.

Best regards.

©2018 Martin Webb

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