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In Netscape Navigator 3 you can use the window.scroll(x,y) method to do this.
In Netscape Navigator 4 this has been deprecated and replaced with window.scrollTo() and window.scrollBy():
scrollBy(horizontal, vertical)
horizontal - The number of pixels by which to scroll the viewing area horizontally.
vertical - The number of pixels by which to scroll the viewing area vertically.
scrollTo(x-coordinate, y-coordinate)
x-coordinate - An integer representing the x-coordinate of the viewing area in pixels.
y-coordinate - An integer representing the y-coordinate of the viewing area in pixels.
To scroll another frame you need to go via the parent frame, e.g.:
which will scroll the frame frameName to 500 pixels from the top of the document.
To see how to do this in a cross-browser fashion see: Instant JavaScript - Automated Scrolling.