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BBS: Re: How do you fade a series of images in/out at a different location. You aren't clear on what I'm getting at! - September 03, 1998 at 20:09:45

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: How do you fade a series of images in/out at a different location. You aren't clear on what I'm getting at! [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Darren Perara on September 03, 1998 at 20:09:45:

In Reply to: Re: How do you fade a series of images in/out at a different location. You aren't clear on what I'm getting at! posted by Jason Nugent on August 31, 1998 at 07:21:24:

You wouldn't believe it, but I've got yet another problem. I want to run four different rollovers with images fading in/out in displaced locations (you showed me how to do a single last week). The problem is that I want all of the image fades to occur in one spot. So the first image is common to each. The problem is, with the multiple fade script I am using, my situation demands the default common image (which I have called "default.gif") to have four names, in order for the code to know where to do the swap in each of the four situations. Is it possible to allocate four names to one image (in my case "left", "right", "forw", "back") or do I need to do something tricky with the code in the head? Here's the code for my document:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="generator" CONTENT="GoLive CyberStudio">
<TITLE>Navchick 3</TITLE>

<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="1"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="1"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="1"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="1"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="1"></TD>

<TR HEIGHT="28">
<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="28"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="28" COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" XPOS="45"><A HREF="javascript:alert ('just testing')"
onMouseover="fadeIn ('forw')" onMouseout="fadeOut ('forw')"><IMG SRC="images/farrow.gif" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="28"></TD>

<TR HEIGHT="106">
<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="106"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="106"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="106" COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" XPOS="0"><A HREF="javascript:alert ('just testing')"
onMouseover="fadeIn ('left')" onMouseout="fadeOut ('left')" ><IMG SRC="images/larrow.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="106"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="142" HEIGHT="106" COLSPAN="3" ROWSPAN="1" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" XPOS="28"><IMG SRC="images/default.gif" NAME="left,right,forw,back" WIDTH="142" HEIGHT="106"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="106" COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" XPOS="170"> <A HREF="javascript:alert ('just testing')"
onMouseover="fadeIn ('right')" onMouseout="fadeOut ('right')" ><IMG SRC="images/rarrow.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="106"></TD>

<TR HEIGHT="167">
<TD WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="167"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="167"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="167"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="167"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="126" HEIGHT="167" COLSPAN="2" ROWSPAN="1" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" XPOS="44"> <A HREF="javascript:alert ('just testing')"
onMouseover="fadeIn ('back')" onMouseout="fadeOut ('back')" ><IMG SRC="images/barrow.gif" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="28"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="167"></TD>

What could I do with the "default.gif" NAME that currently requires four names (left,right,forw,back) and obviously doesn't work.
Thanks for your help,

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: How do you fade a series of images in/out at a different location. You aren't clear on what I'm getting at! [This BBS is closed]

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