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BBS: Targeting a window in a nested frameset from a spawned remote - August 26, 1998 at 05:44:39

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Targeting a window in a nested frameset from a spawned remote [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Yvan Gagnon on August 26, 1998 at 05:44:39:

I have a frames-based site, and in one of of the frame windows, I have a javascript that
launches a small remote window that prompts for a login. What I want to do is set it up so that
when you enter the proper login, a new page loads in the small remote window that has an
onLoad statement in the body tag that loads a document into a hidden frame of a NESTED
FRAME WINDOW that I have in the parent, and I can't figure out how to do it. In other
words, in my main frameset, .. in one of the frames, I have another frameset, and the frame
window I want to target from that spawned remote is one of the windows that's in that nested
frameset. Is this possible? If so, how?

-- yvan@intersolutions.com


You are here: irt.org | BBS | Targeting a window in a nested frameset from a spawned remote [This BBS is closed]

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