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Extensible Markup Language (XML) Articles

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215. Sunday 3rd December 2000 - Perspectives of XML in E-Commerce
Synopsis: Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) has proliferated on the Web in the last few years. XML is touted to accelerate this growth further. The advantages XML offers to businesses, developers, and customers are discussed. Applications to various business domains are provided. Issues that prove obstacles to effective deployment of XML in E-Commerce, along with suggested solutions, are pointed out. By Pankaj Kamthan and Hsueh-Ieng Pai

213. Sunday 13th August 2000 - XML Conformance : The Burden of Proof
Synopsis: The notion of "correctness" in authoring documents for the Web is important. Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows various levels of flexibility to the author during document production. Tools and techniques that can lead to XML conformance are discussed. Written by Pankaj Kamthan
Techniques: XML, XML Conformance, XML Well-Formedness, XML Validation, XP, RUWF, XML Spy, XmetaL, XML4C, XML4J, DOMit, STG Validator

212. Sunday 21st May 2000 - XML Entities and their Applications
Synopsis: Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents consist of entities that are content placeholders. Different types of entities serve a number of different functions, in different contexts, and use different ways to point to the data that they hold. Syntax and semantics of XML entities are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan. Examples of their use in various scenarios and applications are given.
Techniques: MathML, XML, DTD, Entities, XHTML

209. Monday 27th March 2000 - XMLization of Graphics
Synopsis: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an important step towards creating a standard platform for graphics on the World-Wide Web (Web). Pankaj Kamthan discusses the motivation for SVG, along with its advantages, applications in various contexts, and issues concerning its deployment.
Techniques: Graphics for the Web, Raster Graphics, Vector Graphics, Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG, SVG Rendering, Optimization, Security and Grammar

203. Monday 7th February 2000 - XML Euphoria in Perspective
Synopsis: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a meta-language for the World-Wide Web (Web) that has been applied to several diverse domains of society. The current state of XML and related initiatives, separating possibilities (rigor) from popularizations (hype), are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan. Caveats in deployment of XML are pointed out with the help of case studies in synchronized multimedia and electronic commerce (E-Commerce).
Techniques: Markup Languages, Structure, XML, Extensibility, Data/Object view Semantics, Authoring, Rendering, XML Case Studies, SMIL, E-Commerce

Synopsis: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard for marking up data in a structured manner. Styling the content of XML documents so that it can be presented to a Web browser is therefore desirable. Viability of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in styling XML documents is discussed. Examples from a variety of XML applications are included. By Pankaj Kamthan
Techniques: XML, Extensible Hypertext Markup, CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, DTD, MathML, Mathematical Markup, SVG, Graphical Markup, Extensible Stylesheet Language, XSL, XSL Formatting Semantics, XSL-FS, XSL Transformations, XSLT

Synopsis: XML namespaces provides a method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents by associating them with namespaces uniquely identified by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references. The motivation for XML namespaces, along with their internal workings are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan with the help of various examples. Specific applications are included.
Techniques: XML Namespaces, Qualified Names, Explicit and Default Declarations, Uniqueness, Attributes, Authoring, MATHML, SVG, Translating XML to XHTML, XSL, Metadata, RDF

Synopsis: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the definitive markup language for the Web, is inflicted with various limitations. To resolve those, HTML has been reformulated as XHTML (The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) 1.0, which is a vocabulary based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.0 syntax. An introduction, from the author's viewpoint, is given. Issues of XHTML 1.0 syntax and semantics, transition from HTML to XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.0 authoring, rendering and validation are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan
Techniques: XHTML, SGML, HTML, XML, XHTML Syntax and Semantics, XHTML DTDs, XML Namespaces, XHTML Namespaces, HTML to XHTML, HTML Tidy, HTML-Kit, Amaya, XML Spy, Mozquito Factory, Validating XHTML, Rendering XHTML

072. Saturday 28th March 1998 - XML - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: Written by Janus Boye. If you're designing data-hungry sites, especially for intranets, you should be getting excited about XML, because in XML, you'll be able to create and respond to much richer set of data elements. That will in turn let you build more individualised dynamic sites and pages. For example, your site's users could access information across databases and types of data without having to rely on a search engine.
Techniques: XML, HTML, XSL, CSS, SGML, CDF, OSD, ICE - Aghhhh! TLA overload!

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