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MathML - What's in it for us?- budget1

You are here: irt.org | Articles | Markup Languages | MathML - What's in it for us? [ previous next ]

Published on: Saturday 2nd May 1998 By: Janus Boye

This is just a sample budget made in MathML, using Content Markup. The W3C testbed browser, Amaya, does currently not support this, nor does any of the major browser vendors.

You can also return to the "MathML - What's in it for us" article, or view this page with Presentation Tags (supported in Amaya and IE4), or using the EzMath Plugin.

To learn more about MathML be sure to look at the HTML code behind it all!

Total: 10 100 10 100 10 100 10 100
amazon.com associate program$50.00$50.00$50.00$50.00
Total: 1000 300 50 1000 300 50 1000 300 50 1000 300 50

Surplus/Deficit: incometotal expensetotal incometotal expensetotal incometotal expensetotal incometotal expensetotal

Yield: incometotal expensetotal incometotal 100 incometotal expensetotal incometotal 100 incometotal expensetotal incometotal 100 incometotal expensetotal incometotal 100

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